
Moody's Investors Service is among the world's most respected and widely utilized sources for credit ratings, research and risk analysis. Moody's commitment and expertise contribute to stable, transparent and integrated financial markets, protecting the integrity of credit. In addition to their core ratings business, Moody's provides research data and analytic tools for assessing credit risk, and publishes market-leading credit opinions, deal research and commentary, serving more than 9,300 customer accounts at some 2,400 institutions around the globe.

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Allianz Life reported record earnings for the second quarter of 2009.

The company reported earnings of $414 million--a 77% year over year increase.

Allianz also reported that the company's ratings have been reaffirmed by both Moody's and S&P.

Source: Business Wire

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Moody's Investor Services indicated that it will maintain its highest (AAA) rating for the Teacher's Insurance and Annuity Association of America (TIAA) and its subsidiary TIAA-CREF Life Insurance Company.

"TIAA has substantial capitalization and flexibility to maintain its financial strength in what is a very difficult economic environment," Moody’s Senior Credit Officer Arthur Fliegelman said in a statement. "However, the company has not been immune to environmental stresses, having experienced significant investment losses, particularly in its real estate-related portfolio and structured investments."

Source: Denver Business Journal

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Rating agency Moody's released a brief that expresses a bit of optimism regarding life and annuity insurance companies:

"Even if markets turn sour again, life insurers and reinsurers are considered to be fit enough to weather the financial and economic crisis because of their solid balance sheets..."

While Moody's indicated that additional ratings downgrades may result if market conditions worsen, their own stress tests indicate that companies should be able to maintain their investment grade ratings.

Source: Wall Street Journal (subscription required)

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