Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 08/18/2009 - 20:03 Why are there fewer indexed annuity companies and products compared to a year ago if indexed sales are so strong? That does not seem to make sense. Glossary: AnnuityIndexed AnnuityForums: Annuities Q&A Log in to post comments Key Phrases: Forums: Annuities Q&AGlossary: AnnuityIndexed Annuity tom replied on Wed, 08/19/2009 - 11:17 Permalink Number of Indexed Annuity Companies Probably because there is so much uncertainty in the market with 151A and the potential business changes that would come with it. Possible that some of the less committed companies decided to pull-out. Log in to post comments
tom replied on Wed, 08/19/2009 - 11:17 Permalink Number of Indexed Annuity Companies Probably because there is so much uncertainty in the market with 151A and the potential business changes that would come with it. Possible that some of the less committed companies decided to pull-out. Log in to post comments
tom replied on Permalink
Number of Indexed Annuity Companies
Probably because there is so much uncertainty in the market with 151A and the potential business changes that would come with it.
Possible that some of the less committed companies decided to pull-out.