
The person designated under an annuity contract to receive payments if the contract holder or annuitant dies.

Chained CPI Could Short-Change Retirees

Congress is considering an alternative inflation measure as part of its deficit reduction initiatives. The alternative inflation measure is known as the chained consumer price index or chained CPI . The chained CPI includes an adjustment mechanism that presumably accounts for consumers switching to substitute goods and services when a similar category of goods or services experiences rapid price increases. The overall result of this adjustment for substitutes is a price index that that...
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Understanding Swiss Annuities

While it might be an unusual time to provide an explanation of Swiss annuities given what has been taking place of late with the Swiss franc and related decisions made by the Swiss National Bank, it still makes sense for any financial services consumer to understand potential benefits of these products.

Switzerland - Courtesy of Travellingtamas


Annuity Industry Pioneer Jerry Golden at Work on his Latest Venture

Jerry Golden--often referred to as the father of variable life insurance and variable annuities--has had a distinguished career as an innovator and...

How is the value of an annuity calculated once you have started to receive payments in order to determine the IRS required minimum distributions?

Great question.

We are not tax / financial advisors, but will try to provide some information that points you in the right direction and enables you to present good questions to your advisors.

The relevant section of the IRS code appears to be: Treas. Reg. section 1.401(a)(9)-6, Q&A12

Note that there appear to have been some relevant modifications to the IRS code in 2006.

More Annuity Details

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Annuity Digest Buying Guide: More Annuity Details
