Retirement Security

This very broad term that refers to the level of comfort you have with the resources that are intended to support you through retirement and provide a standard of living similar to what you experienced before retirement. Retirement security used to involve Social Security, a pension from a company plan, 401K and any other savings. However, volatile stock markets, rising unemployment, health care inflation, rising longevity, disappearing traditional pension plans and questions related to Social Security have redefined the traditional sources of retirement security. The question now is can you afford to retire? If so, is the money going to last long enough--especially now that we’re living longer? If you haven’t worked this out yet, consulting a retirement planning professional may help you figure-out things such as what might be a reasonable level of spending, when to start receiving Social Security and how much you need to save.

Research Questions Role of Asset Allocation in Retirement

Research from the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College suggests that asset allocation is a relatively ineffective factor in creating a secure foundation of retirement income . The research examines and compares the effectiveness of a handful of levers that have the potential to contribute to a solid foundation of retirement income. Among the levers or contributing factors considered are: Asset Allocation Working Longer A Reverse Mortgage Spending Less The various retirement income...

Some Sobering 401k Statistics

The UC Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education just released an interesting research report titled “Meeting California’s Retirement Security Challenge.” The report has an introduction written by Jacob Hacker—a Political Science professor at Yale University. Hacker’s introduction focuses on what he refers to as the “Great Risk Shift” and is appropriately titled “The Coming Age of Retirement Insecurity.” The viability of defined...

MetLife is Nudging the World of Defined Contribution toward Income Annuities

Jody Strakosch is the National Director for MetLife’s Retirement Products Group.  In this role, Jody has a broad perspective on developments in the institutional space.  In other words, Jody is intimately familiar with how in-plan accumulation and point of retirement annuities are evolving in the defined contribution arena. 



Study Shows the Impact of Annuities on Retirement Security

The Center for Retirement Research at Boston College recently published a research brief that analyzes the impact of annuitization on retirement security.

Anna Rappaport on Annuities and Planning for the Long Term

Anna Rappaport is widely recognized as a leading expert on retirement systems, workforce issues, the impact of changing demographics and women’s...
